Rene Russo is a model and an actress who had her big break when she signed a contract with Lethal Weapon. Amidst her popularity and career success, Rene is battling a silent war. She has been dealing with bipolar disorder for years. Knowing how much it affects her and her career as well as family life, she finally decides to get treated. Fortunately, she has a supporting husband, which she credits, and who is not only proud of her but who showed that he’ll be with her no matter what.

Another thing for her to thank is that her financial credits were not affected by her condition. Currently, at 65 years old, she is still in the acting industry, wherein her latest appearance was in the movie Thor. Rene seemed to have never aged because of how beautiful she still looks. Her grace on the screen is undeniably way above the new actress. Hopefully, we can see more of her soon.
