The beautiful Stacey Dash is best known for playing the role of Amber Evans in Mo’Money and Dionne Davenport in Clueless. Despite the fact that she is already 52 years old, many had wondered why her looks have never changed— the actress even has a body of a 30- year-old! Her current net worth is $100,000, and she is not involved in any bankruptcy issues. Dash also shared her beauty routine on how she manages to keep her looks glowing.

She mentioned that drinking plenty of water and using sunscreen, moisturizer, and eye cream are her secrets. The celebrity beauty also said that sunscreen is pretty much crucial in maintaining healthy-looking skin. We are banking on this fact, as she is not the only actress to swear over the power of using sunscreen. Her routine is so effective that people can see it’s effects up to now. Now, all that’s left to know is her hardcore workout routine!
