Lynda Carter is a well-loved actress and beauty queen known for her role as Wonder Woman in the ‘70s. She took on the role of Diana Prince, the alter ego of the superhero for the ABC live-action TV series. Before becoming an actress, Carter first nabbed popularity when she was crown as Miss World USA in 1972. She later competed and landed in the Top 15 in the same year. During this time, Carter was named as The Most Beautiful Woman in the World and has landed major brand endorsement deals such as with cosmetics line Maybelline.

In the late 2000s, she admitted that she suffered bouts of health conditions, leading her to enter rehabilitation clinics. At 68 years old, Carter is proud to say that she has chosen a life of health and wellness, which also helped maintain her stunning looks. The former model said that she never went under the knife to keep her youthful looks. She ages naturally which can also be credited to her genetics.
