At 83 years old, Morgan Freeman remains one of the most beloved actors of Hollywood. He is known for his grandfatherly charm and deep resonating voice that has given life to many iconic characters and voiceovers. You might know him from his iconic films like The Shawshank Redemption, Unforgiven, Se7en, and Driving Miss Daisy. Although many assume that these were his best works, it was in Street Smart which he gained favor from the critics.

Freeman wasn’t just an actor, but he was also a director. His first-ever film was Bopha!, which was well received. The talented star also directed a few episodes for the hit TV series Madam Secretary. Even with his age, retirement isn’t in any of his plans just yet. In recent years, he has put his investment money on creating a bee sanctuary in a 124-acre ranch in Mississippi to help with the dwindling number of bees in the world.
