The gorgeous Jessica Lange is one of the most respected actresses in Hollywood history. Jessica Lange initially worked as a model, but began her prolific acting career when she was cast in the blockbuster film King Kong (1976). In 1982, Lange was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress in the film Francis and Best Supporting Actress for Tootsie. She is the 13th actress to achieve the triple crown of acting. She is also the second actress in history to win an Academy Award for Best Actress after winning an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.

In 1982, she began her relationship with actor and playwright Sam Sheppard. They have two children, Hannah (born 1985) and Samuel (born 1987). They separated in 2009 and the separation was announced in 2011. Aside from her career, she has a great heart. Lange is a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF, specializing in HIV/AIDS. Her finances are also doing good as she has a net worth of $15 million, and it safe to say that she has good money management skills. Now that she is over 70 years old, she still has that signature gorgeous smile.
